Unlock Rewards with Clearpool: A Guide to Maximizing Your USDX

May 29, 2024

Following our recent announcement regarding the launch of USDX on the Flare Network in collaboration with Clearpool, we are excited to share that Clearpool has now launched its USDX T-Pool.

In the dynamic world of decentralized finance (DeFi), finding efficient ways to grow your digital assets is paramount.  Clearpool offers a unique opportunity for USDX holders to not only secure a stable return but also to earn additional rewards. This guide delves into how you can leverage your USDX on Flare Network through Clearpool to optimize your returns.

Earn Attractive Rewards on your USDX

Clearpool simplifies the process of earning on your USDX, providing an accessible route to augment your digital asset holdings. By depositing your USDX into the T-Pool on Clearpool, you are entitled to an on-chain return of 4% APY in USDX. However, the benefits don’t stop there; you also receive extra FLR rewards, enhancing your overall returns.

Key Benefits of Using Clearpool for Your USDX

Flexibility: One of the core advantages of using Clearpool is its flexibility. There are no lock-up periods, allowing you to deposit and withdraw your USDX at your convenience, without any restrictions.

Maximized Returns: By earning a 4% APY on your USDX and additional FLR rewards, Clearpool ensures that your returns are significantly enhanced, making it an attractive option for digital asset holders seeking to maximize their investment.

A Simplified Process for Earning Rewards
Clearpool's user-friendly platform makes earning on your USDX straightforward:

Deposit USDX & Receive cUSDX: Start by depositing your USDX into the T-Pool. In exchange, you'll receive cUSDX tokens, the receipt token marking your stake in the pool.

Earn Rewards & Withdraw Anytime: After depositing, you will automatically begin accruing rewards in real-time with each block. These rewards can be monitored directly through the Clearpool app, providing transparency and ease of access for withdrawal anytime.

Seamless Conversion Back to USDX: Should you decide to withdraw your funds, converting your cUSDX tokens back to USDX is immediate and hassle-free, ensuring liquidity and flexibility.

USDX: Stability Meets Flexibility

USDX, brought to life by HT Digital Assets within the Hex Trust's tokenization ecosystem, represents the future of stablecoins. It's a 1:1 USD stablecoin, backed by cash and cash equivalents, designed to offer reliability and adaptability around the clock.

Understanding cUSDX and Rewards

cUSDX functions as a liquidity provider (LP) token, akin to those used in various DeFi protocols, holding a 1:1 value with your deposited USDX. This mechanism not only facilitates earning a on your USDX but also garners additional FLR token rewards. Importantly, these rewards can be claimed at any time, providing flexibility without necessitating the withdrawal of your initial USDX deposit.

Clearpool presents a compelling opportunity for USDX holders to earn significant yields and rewards, underscored by flexibility and simplicity. Whether you're looking to grow your digital assets or seeking a stable yet adaptable stablecoin, Clearpool and USDX offer a promising avenue towards achieving your financial goals in the DeFi space.